10:22 PM / Comments (0) / by hayyul's precious

thinking about you is the next best thing

to being with you

even when we're apart you never fail

all i need to do is remember the last time

we got together and i feel myself

starting to smile inside,it seems that everytime

im with you, you do smething that

leaves a happy memory behind

thats why i carry thought of you

with me everywhere i go because they

never fail to add their magic to my day

if they gave an award for the best friend

in the whole world, i nominate you

you seems to know just what it take to be a friend

no matter what the circumstances

you know when to be strong

and you know when to be a lot others be strong

you know when to keep things light

and when its time to get serious

i feel so lucky to call you my life

for the thing you do and the ways you do it

for knowing me inside and out

and sticking with me

no matter what for letting me

to be you friend

and being the friend that you are

from the bottom of my heart

thank you...